Configure Device Provisioning

Missing parameter type

Missing parameter adb_apk_id

Missing parameter locale

Missing parameter timezone

Missing parameter wifi_ssid

Missing parameter wifi_key

Note: This configurator offers only very few provisioning options. You can apply all app settings, use enterprises, add device to the cloud and more if you use provisioning profiles in your free Fully Cloud account.

Select Provisioning Method

Provisioning method

QR Provisioning Method

  • Requires new or factory resetted Android 7+ devices with camera
  • Can connect to Wifi automatically (with Android 9+ only)
  • No need to enter the provisioning code
  • Requires Internet connection for provisioning (Android 7 & 8)

ADB (Manual) Provisioning Method

  • Works with Android 5+ devices, no need to be new or factory resetted
  • Requires ADB connection to the device (USB)
  • You'll have to enter the provisioning code

Kiosk app to install

Locale?Select language and country for the device to setup. Not every combination may be supported by the device.


Wifi SSID?Android 9+ can connect automatically to WPA networks if you specify the SSID and password here. We only use these entries to generate the QR code and remove it from everywhere as soon as you press Forget on the next page.

Wifi Password